
Click here for instructions on how to
access the hidden Reptile fight

Secret Game Over screen

Let the timer on the Continue screen run to zero
and if you're lucky there's about a 1 in 30 chance
to get a secret Game Over screen where the camera
starts from above the Pit and slowly glides down
to the bottom to see the elusive area in all its glory.

Hidden credit screen via EJB input

In order to access it, the player must hold down High Punch while inputting
the EJB menu code. Note that the screen will disappear and return to the
EJB menu when High Punch is released. First discovered by TotalMk

Johnny Cage double head pop

Perform Cage's Fatality F,F,F,HP (close) and very quickly
do it again. Cage will uppercut two heads instead of one.
This glitch works only if your opponent is Johnny Cage,
Kano, Sub-Zero or Scorpion.

Non-lethal fatality to most lethal finisher

With Liu Kang you can perform a non-lethal fatality that won't even hit
your opponent by inputting his command from a full screen away and
get the finisher bonus. Even if it connects the move is considered non-lethal.
Now if you connect with his finisher on the Pit stage, your opponent
will be launched high into the air in dramatic fashion and
onto the spikes below where Reptile awaits. You will see the finisher bonus
appear on screen at the bottom of the pit via this method only as a normal
uppercut down is not considered a fatality.

Reach all levels in Test Your Might

The mini-game challenges players to break materials of increasing hardness:
Wood --> Stone --> Steel --> Ruby --> Diamond
However, due to the structure of the single-player arcade mode,
which consists of 12 matches, players can only encounter up to the
Steel challenge. To access the Ruby and Diamond challenges, players need
to engage in the two-player mode, where the "Test Your Might" mini-game
appears after every five consecutive matches. Here is the quickest way
to reach the Diamond level:

Start in Single-Player Mode (Arcade Mode)

Sega Genesis blood code

One of the most famous 16 bit codes of all time.
Simply enter the following button combination
on the Code of Honor screen to enable blood in
the Sega Genesis version of MK1:
A, B, A, C, A, B, B
Wait, what is that smell? The scent of kombat
is thick. Maybe the legendary code can be
enacted on this very page...

Sega Genesis DULLARD cheat menu

The DULLARD menu lets you have more kontrol over Kombat.
Just enter this code at the Mortal Kombat menu:
Under the "Options" selection, "Cheats Enabled"
will appear. This is what each choice does:

Fighter 1 & 2: This determines which fighter to use for the options below.
Plan base: This accesses the computer's strategies for fighting.
Chop-Chop: This determines which substance to use for the "Test your might" demo.
1Play & 2Play Chop: Determines how often a player is given the chance to
"Test their might". X0 is never, X1 is after every fight, X2 is after 2, and so on.

Demo: This lets you view the Cameo, endings, battle plan, and Test your might.
FLAG0: This cripples player 2.
FLAG1: This cripples player 1.
FLAG2: This activates the various characters that scroll across the Pit moon...
FLAG3: Activate this flag, and choose the Pit as your first background -- BYC
and a bouncing face will scroll across the moon.
FLAG4: This will give you Reptile clue messages before every fight. Your
opponent will be crippled in the 2nd and 3rd rounds.
FLAG5: Unlimited kontinues.
FLAG6: Computer-controlled fighters will always do their finishing moves!
FLAG7: This will put you in the Courtyard against tough opponents.
Blood: On or off?
Cheat: On or off?
1st map: Where do you want to fight first?

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